4R Group Input to Materials to Soil Masterclass
Paul Whyatt from the 4R Group was pleased to attend a recent event at the Viridor, Ardley EFW organised by CIWM’s biological treatment special interest group to discuss the role of beneficially using wastes in soils improvement and the contribution this makes to the circular economy.
Our Land Restoration Manager, Paul Whyatt presented to an audience comprising of academics in soil science; waste management professionals and members from WRAP’s organic programme. The theme of Paul’s presentation was on using ‘waste’ for soil creation in restoration of post-industrial sites, concluding with the benefits:
- Waste derived composts can be used beneficially for restoration
- Materials were used that without pre-treatment & this use would otherwise be destined for landfill
- The use of these materials allowed colliery spoil to be transformed into a functioning soil
The presentation was well received and generated a successful Q&A session with positive feedback.