Dr Becky Wheeler

Author's posts

*QP Update* Call for funding the Compost & AD QP Revisions

REA Organics, together with ADBA, CIWM and ESA trade associations have just released their call for funding the compost and anaerobic digestion Quality Protocol revisions. If you or your business are reliant on these vital End of Waste frameworks, it’s time to make your pledge…

NVZs for Wales

It’s been on the table for a long time, but earlier this month, the Welsh Government announced the whole of Wales will become an NVZ, to start being phased in as early as this spring. This will impact farming practices across the country…

Review of Farming Rules for Water

The Farming Rules for Water, underpinned by the Reduction and Prevention of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution Regulations (England) were originally published in April 2018. At the time, a review of these rules were promised after three years – and it’s happening now… 

Compost & Digestate Quality Protocols – What’s Happening?

In December 2020, the EA published their initial report on the current Anaerobic Digestate and Compost Quality Protocols. They have concluded that both QP’s need revising in a number of key areas. The task now falls onto the industry to make changes, in order to maintain these End of Waste frameworks for these materials. Without a Quality Protocol (soon to be called Resource Frameworks), even PAS100 and PAS110 certified materials will be ‘wastes’… 

Changes to Regulations for Land Spreading of Biosolids

All biosolids and septic tank sludge to land will be regulated under the Environmental Permitting Regulations by 2023. The Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations, which has been in use since 1989, will no longer be needed. This comes from the…

What’s Happening in Organics Recycling in 2021 & Beyond

Our own Dr Becky Wheeler, Chair of the Organics Forum at the REA and Jenny Grant, Head of Organics and Natural Capital at the REA talk to Let’s Recycle about the challenges and opportunities for organics recycling.

Permit Issued For Our New Recycling Facility

Exciting news here at 4R! The Environment Agency have issued our bespoke permit for our new recycling facility in East Yorkshire. The Old Peat Works site will be dedicated for the storage and treatment of up to 100,000 tonnes a year of quality fertilisers and soil conditioners destined for land.

Shortlisted for the REA Sustainability Award

Well this was a bit of a surprise! Someone very kindly nominated us for the 15th British Renewable Energy Awards and we have been shortlisted for the Sustainability Award! Thank you!

Brownfield Briefing Awards 2019 Finalist

We are delighted to announce that we have made the shortlist for a Brownfield Briefing award in the category ‘Best re-use of Materials’. Our nomination success follows the completion of the significant restoration project of the…

Do you produce quality PAS110 digestate?

Are you aware the Quality Protocol framework is currently under Environment Agency review? The anaerobic digestate QP is under the spotlight as part of the first wave of QP reviews. The EA may require the industry to make changes to the…